Exerxise 1: The Parts Of MS Word by Mojica

Quick Access Toolbar - a toolbar that contains the mostly used commands. It is located at the top left.

Title Bar - It is where the file name is located.

Minimize, Maximize and Exit Buttons-

File Tab - a tab wherein you can create new document, print documents and other commands. 

Ribbon - it is where group of command buttons is organized.

Ruler - used to create margins and measure the format of a document.

Navigation Pane - allows you to go to a page heading without scrolling.

Cursor - It is where the next character will appear. 

Document Page - where the user can insert the data to create a document.

Vertical Scroll Bar - Used to view parts of the document.

Status Bar - the information or status about the document is stated in status bar.

View Buttons - it allows to change the way you view a document. It can be in print layout, full screen reading, web layout and draft.

Zoom Scroll - it allows to zoom in and zoom out a document.


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